With thirty-million-plus records sold worldwide, Blink-182 was back in 2011 and ready to continue the musical journey that had thrilled legions of fans for nearly two decades. After a wait of eight long years, Blink 182’s highly anticipated new album “Neighborhoods” warranted mounting their biggest and most ambitious tour in the band’s history. Over 90 watts of Lightwave Prism Series Lasers were utilized on the 40 date tour.

Blink 182 Tour
Lightwave’s state of the art lasers were used throughout the show on songs including Down, I Miss You, Violence and Josie. One of the highlights of the show was a five minute drum solo from Blink’s Travis Barker as he floated out over the audience on a sea of laser light, beams dancing around him.
Lighting Designer: Scott Holthaus
Touring Laserist: Jesse Parker
Programming: George Dodworth, Eliav Kadosh, Jesse Parker, Mike Dunn